The site for Pre War Hillmans - [Copy to a friend]

1936 - 1937
The Hillman "16"
This site may be amended and updated at intervals - so pop back now and again. Last updated 15/10/2019
The Courier-Mail, Brisbane Queensland, Monday 22nd March 1937
1937 HILLMAN 'HAWK' - Features Include ' 'Evenkeel ' Suspension
One of the most distinctive British cars on the Queensland market is the 1937 Hillman 'Hawk,' a well-performed 'six,' with many notable features, including 'Evenkeel' suspension.
THE 'Evenkeel' suspension incorporates a system of individual springing to each front wheel through the medium of a transverse leaf spring. One of the claims made by the Hillman engineers is that the car is as comfortable for the rear passengers as for those at the front, due to the fact that reciprocal action between the front and rear springs is very, largely avoided. It is claimed that, due to the vastly different performance characteristics of the springs, the 'kick' sometimes experienced when a car is traversing bumpy roads at speed is notably absent. Furthermore, a high degree of stability when cornering is noticeable.
The fact that a very stiff chassis frame is specified in the design of the 'Hawk' has largely contributed to the success of the suspension' system, for, by employing an exceedingly robust structure into which to mount the springing and steering mechanisms, all maladies, such as wobble, tramp, and a tendency for the front wheels to wander, have been avoided. A box-girder construction for the frame is employed. The channels used for the side-members are enclosed by plates welded to the, flanges, enormously increasing the resistance to bending and twisting stresses. The cross-bracing members also are of box section, and it is claimed that, weight for weight, the box-girder design of frame as used in the Hillman 'Hawk' offers six times as much resistance to torsional stresses as the open channel frame.
Straightforward design characterizes the power unit, which is of sound construction and of sufficient capacity to give the required power easily and efficiently. The cylinders and upper half of the crankcase are formed in a single casting which carries the four steel-backed bearings for a statically and dynamically balanced crankshaft. The side 'valves are a feature of all Hillman engines.' The exhaust-valve seatings are made of specially hardened steel to resist the high temperatures of the exhaust gases,' to reduce valve pitting and to prolong the periods between grinding-in. These seatings are, of course, renewable. To assist in cooling the oil in circulation, the water jacketing for the cylinders is carried down to the lower extremity of the cylinder bores and an impeller type pump assures an adequate flow of water through the block, cylinder head and the radiator. The temperature of the water is controlled by a thermostat fitted in the connection between the cylinder head and the radiator. The function of this is, of course, to reduce the warming-up period when starting from cold and to maintain the engine temperature at a point which affords the most efficient running. The induction system, incorporating a down-draught carburetter, is of a design which should assist in giving economical running in addition to a reasonably high power output. Distribution of the mixture is effected by three branch pipes which communicate with siamesed ports formed in the cylinder block. The power unit employed in the Hawk has a bore of 75 mm., which, with 120 mm. stroke, gives a swept volume of 3.181 c.c. The engine develops 75 b.h.p. at 3.400 r.p.m.
A single-plate clutch and a four speed gearbox with synchromesh engagement for third and top gears are built in unit with the engine, the whole suspended in the frame at three rubberised points, two at the front of the engine and one at the rear of the gearbox. This system, known as 'Cushioned Power,' entirely insulates any slight vibration of the engine from the chassis and contributes to the provision of a silent and smooth drive. The lines of the various body types are attractive and modern, smooth contours adding to its appearence rendering cleaning easy. A special point is made of ample luggage accommodation, the boot in all cases being large and accessible.