The site for Pre War Hillmans - [Copy to a friend]

1936 - 1937
The Hillman "16"
This site may be amended and updated at intervals - so pop back now and again. Last updated 15/10/2019
Hillman Cars - 1907 to 1979
Other sites will be added in due course. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
This site shows Hillman models and gives the history of Hillman cars produced between 1907 and 1979
This Polish site shows Hillman Cars from 1930 to 1969. The year displayed is 1937. You can navigate forwards and backwards to other years at bottom of each screen.
This is the site of a 1936 Hillman Minx owner who has numerous photos of pre and post war Hillman "Minx"s and other pre war Hillman models.
This Australian site shows the range of Hillman models from 1907 to 1979. However some dates and model nos maybe incorrect - so use with caution
This is from an archive site and features 6 cylinder Hillman cars from 1934 & 1935 namely the older "16" and" 20/70".
The original site is no longer seachable.
Visit this YouTube site to experience a drive in this splendid 1932 Hillman 16hp car
This site shows a range of hillmans dating from 1907 to 1950. Select from the list displayed.
Visit this YouTube site to view this car in Italy. Discribed as a 1934 24/70 I think it is probably a 1934/35 20/70. However are the bonnet badge and mascot right for pre war cars?
If you would like to own a car similar to the Hawk featured on the right then click on the "For Sale " button on the left
Visit this YouTube site to hear its owner describing the car and talking about the restoration of this open top sports version of a 1936 Hillman Hawk Wingham Cabriolet